I would like the following message to be read or posted on the news in the unlikely chance my
d**th is ever discussed in the media. It is not meant to glorify s**c*d*. In fact, I think it may
actually do the exact opposite:
My birth name is Sritarun Chinta, throughout grade school I went by the nickname “Guddu”, and at
Brown University I went by “SG”, but you could call me “id**t” for all I care. I was a student
studying Biophysics and Chemical Engineering at Brown University and if you are reading this, it
means I have k*ll*d myself. I would like to emphasize that absolutely no one other than myself is
to blame for my s**c*d*. I was just a defective human being. Especially when you consider how
well off I was raised. I apologize for directly lying to pretty much everyone I interacted with for the
past 7 months. Technically, for most of my life I’ve always been the type to be brutally honest about
things but when it came to my own personality and emotions I put up a mask that only eroded on
rare occasions, so you could say I’ve been half lying for a lot longer.
First, to my parents: I’m sorry you ended up wasting almost 21 years supporting the worst son
imaginable. It must suck to raise a son who has the competence to make it as a doctor with relative
ease but is adamant about not pursuing the field of medicine for many reasons, and then have the
other son interested in becoming a doctor but lack competence, though I’m sure he will come
around in due time. Plus, he tends to be very lucky for some odd reason (but make sure to get a job
you bum). I bet I look like the world’s biggest hypocrite considering I was all talk after I graduated
high school. I never did repay my debt to you and gain the $20 million USD I promised. After
giving $1.5k USD to my former lab from my bank account, feel free to use the rest of the money for
your own purchases. It’s obviously nothing major compared to your annual salaries but you could
get a massage chair or use it for buying yogurt at Costco, whatever you want. I leave all of the
belongings in my dorm room to you, including an SSD containing some old files, photos, as well as
documents of some of the literature I have read through over the past three years. I request that you
hold on to the SSD and in the incredibly small chance someone asks for copies of any files, you
allow them to do so if they behave in a respectful manner. If Brown decides to charge you for some
reason to be able to retrieve my stuff (you never know. Ivies are just elitist companies disguised as
educational institutions after all), use the money from my account. I want to emphasize again to you
that you did nothing wrong. You were more than satisfactory at your jobs as parents.
Second, to my former lab PI and lab group: I’m sorry if my d**th ends up causing you trouble and I
am very much aware of how selfish it is of me to put you in this position. I apologize for the
complete lack of communication over the past several months as well as never finishing any paper
drafts. I think I was just feeling way too ashamed to try and talk to you all while juggling my
personal project. I imagine for the Professor it will probably be disturbing to hear and I hope it does
not affect how you spend your time abroad. Normally, in cases where college students who were
conducting research commit s**c*d*, some level of blame is put on the research group. There are
definitely cases where research lab culture has led to individuals committing s**c*d*, however, I
would like to make it very clear that part of the reason I didn’t end up k*ll*ng myself sooner was
actually because of being part of the lab group. In fact, I felt pretty guilty upon joining knowing
there was a chance this scenario had a probability of playing out eventually. While I never was able
to achieve anything, it was an honor working alongside you and it’s a shame that Brown barely
gives any funding to the lab. Maybe if Brown invested more money into the lab as well as its
nanofabrication and characterization facilities in general, I might have actually made and tested six
different nanoelectronic devices by now instead of failing to even fabricate anything. Of course, I
recognize that my limited experience in hands-on lab work also played a role in me failing at my
research but I do believe with better facilities available some of my ideas may have come to light. I
really hope that Brown doesn’t take it out on the lab for having a former member who is essentially
a PR disaster for Ivy league colleges. I’ll be pretty p*ss*d if Brown decides to slash the lab’s
funding even further as some sort of messed up punishment. If any of the lab members or the
Professor ends up stumbling across this message, I have several requests for how to handle a few
things I left behind, assuming you haven’t already done so of course. For the stuff in my drawers,
all of the sample thin films/devices in my lab drawers can be thrown away since all of them are
failed anyway, and the petri dishes they are contained in can be reused (the filter paper should be
clean in most of them). Feel free to use the cut Bombyx mori silkworm cocoons contained in the
ziploc bag for any purpose you desire. You should be able to go through a degumming process to
separate sericin from fibroin and use the isolated proteins for future experiments if you wanted to.
The remaining sheet of ITO on PET can be used for any optical experiments or future devices as
you see fit. You can also make use of the spare pair of goggles. For my stuff in the conference
room, I left my Surface Science and Colloids textbook behind which you are free to use, as well as
some papers categorizing the stock of chemicals. I began organizing all the chemicals we had in the
lab during a long weekend holiday and planned on making an online spreadsheet of my written
record so we can keep track of which chemicals we have in a more efficient manner. I never got
around to organizing the metal salts or the chemicals in the yellow flammables cabinet so if any of
the lab members want to finish this, feel free to do so, however, I ask that you keep the same
organization as I did for consistency. I think I might have left a yellow packet with some TTLs, a
breadboard, and some other parts from my Digital Circuits class. If it turns out there are parts
missing from the packet, then I can pay the fee since I’m pretty sure each part is around 50 cents.
For the Hummer sputter system, the instructions I left a while ago should be clear enough for use,
though you may have to do an oil change before using again. I also want to mention that last time I
was sputtering silver, I think the resulting silver deposited didn’t appear to coalesce into a uniform
thin film which could indicate even longer sputter times are required. However, since there is no
cooling system, when performing sputter deposition for a long time you should be careful of
possible damage to the substrate and/or the silver sputter target. Honestly, considering how crappy
the sputter is I wouldn’t be surprised if you never use it, which I kinda feel bad about considering
how expensive the silver sputter target I bought was. Feel free to use any chemicals/polymers I
bought, including the 4-(diethylamino)azobenzene, stearyl alcohol (1-octadecanol), and PMMA. I
think that covers everything but if you find any other things that once belonged to me feel free to
use them as you see fit. Considering the lab was kind enough to allow me to purchase my own
materials for experiments as I saw fit, despite only being an undergrad, and the fact that I was
always treated with the same level of respect as a grad student, please accept 1.5k from my bank
account to make up for the supplies I bought and for wasting your time.
Third to my surface science professor last semester, professors this semester, and lab mates in two
of my classes: I apologize to my surface science professor for never submitting the final proposal
on the sericin based drug delivery system, my former lab PI again for not submitting several
assignments the previous semester, my current professors who have to enter in zeros for the
gradebook, and to the lab mates in two of my classes this semester who I flaked out on. I’m sure it
must have been pretty annoying for you all and may have caused some inconveniences.
I think that wraps up apologies. Of course, I also have a list of people in my head who I owe a debt
to but considering I wasn’t able to pay back my parents, there’s really no point in going through it
now. I should probably mention the main reason why I decided to ultimately off myself. When I
was around 8 years old, I started to develop critical thinking skills and realized that there are two
main things that drive everyone: trying to win prizes and trying to make a lot of friends who have
your back. At least that is how I would have worded it back then. Then in the eighth grade I began
to reword it as a sense of accomplishment and a sense of belonging. It was during this time that I
realized I was not cut out for achieving either and first planned on committing s**c*d* but was
inadvertently saved by a simple birthday card that guilt tripped me into living for other people’s
sakes and thinking that I could still strive for a sense of belonging. This mindset didn’t last. I heard
that trying to create a network of friends who will be able to have your back when it counts is the
best thing to do in these situations i.e. building a support group, but I massively failed several times
due to the fact that I’m a total a-hole. After the spring of 2020, when COVID-19 spread in the US
and when I got rejected by Harvard (Which was honestly for the better. Besides, I was still a junior
at the time and the main reason why I wanted to be accepted into Harvard a year early was because
of how much I hated high school and to be able to throw a graduation party so I could have an
excuse good enough for my parents to hang out with my friends), I completely gave up on gaining a
sense of belonging after deciding not to go through with a second s**c*d* plan and decided to
focus my efforts on gaining a sense of accomplishment. At this point, I now rephrase my personal
creed in the following manner. Many have debated the meaning of life for as long as human
civilization has existed, however, I believe life is inherently meaningless (nihilism) and the fact of
whether life has meaning or not doesn’t really matter, so debating further is pointless. What matters
is there are two fundamental motivations that drive us to continue living once we gain the ability to
form complex thoughts (usually around the age range of 7-9, though this can definitely vary):
1. To gain a sense of accomplishment. This can be in the form of materialistic gains, achieving
some kind of grand dream, goal, or vision, meeting milestones, etc.
2. To gain a sense of social satisfaction. This can be in the form of friendship, love (familial and/or
romantic), being part of a “community”, a sense of knowing where you fit in society, etc.
I believe there are three types of people within the human population based on their approach and
views regarding these two motivations. The first and most common type are those who believe 1
and 2 are synonymous i.e. gaining a sense of social satisfaction is the same as accomplishment.
This type of person makes up probably around 90% of the general population and I will refer to
them as Normas. Obviously none of the statistics mentioned in this document are based on any facts
and just personal vibes. It makes sense that Normas would make up the majority though, since
humans are animals that are highly dependent on social interaction. Anyway, about of Normas, or
around 72% of the population, is what I would consider “normies” i.e. Normas who manage to
conform their behavior or set of perspectives to what is considered the general consensus or “the
norm” that is unanimously agreed upon by those immediately surrounding them or to standards set
by the general population. Normies are incredibly easy to identify by non-normie Normas and the
other two types of people, but have a difficult time identifying each other. Being called a normie
under certain context can be considered derogatory, and it’s pretty typical of a normie to deny being
a normie if ever confronted about the subject, but being a normie is perfectly fine given they make
up the majority anyway. The second type of people are those who manage to achieve 1 and either
never achieve 2, or achieve 2 later in life, who I will call Effectors, and they make up around 8% of
the population. Their name comes from the fact that Effectors tend to bring change to their
surroundings, though this is not a guarantee. A lot of famous people and historical figures tend to be
Effectors but the other way around is not true. Of course, there are Normas who are also able to
change the world or become famous, though this is usually (but not always) not a result of their
intentions. Effectors who are not able to achieve 2 tend to spiral out of control, cause a lot of drama,
and also may contribute to world problems. There are also people who achieve 2 first and achieve 1
later while being able to distinguish between the two motivations, however, these people tend to
eventually believe 1 and 2 are the same given enough time so they can be considered proto-Normas.
I used to consider proto-Normas as a fourth type of person but now I keep them under the same
category as Normas.
The third and final type of people, who make up only around 2% of the general population, are the
Hollows i.e. people who are unable to achieve 1 or 2. I am Hollow. The reason why they make up
so little of the population is because Hollows tend (not guaranteed) to be those who have extreme
substance abuse problems and/or may have severe mental health issues, which usually leads to
s**c*d*. That is NOT to say that people struggling with mental health issues are Hollows. In fact,
the overwhelming majority of people who struggle with mental health are usually Normas or
Effectors who temporarily lose sight of both 1 and 2, but they are usually able to bounce back or
find a way to cope with their issues and retain at least 1 or 2 long term again. I will refer to these
people as Temp-Hollows. Because Temp-Hollows exist, the number of actual Hollows is very little
which is why I speculate they are 2%, despite media outlets making it seem like everyone suddenly
has severe mental health issues, even though most do not. I remember once hearing a statistic
saying that about a of young adults experience depression. Not only does “young adult” lack
specificity but that means that of people, the majority, do not experience depression and are
mentally okay. Mental health issues are in this weird place where they are either overexaggerated
(usually by the west) or downplayed (usually by the east), and for some reason this gets on my
nerves, though I can’t pinpoint exactly why. Maybe it’s because this phenomena results in people
who really do need help not getting what they need. Maybe it’s the fact that many people claim
“everybody goes through it at some point” and then proceed to stigmatize mental health issues that
gets on my nerves, I don’t know.
Anyway, for a while I pursued motivation 1 and completely gave up on motivation 2. In my first
year of college, I did have an internal debate over whether or not the way I was approaching life
was the right one and that maybe I was being too cynical and uptight, but my views remain
unchanged. To gain a sense of accomplishment, my goal was to both establish something that would
be remembered forever and pay off all the debt I owe. Explaining the debt thing first is much
simpler. On average, it costs a bit over 250k USD to raise a kid in the US, and that is not including
college tuition. My parents might have spent more than this and there’s also the opportunity cost to
account for when it comes to the extra time spent raising me. Of course, this is rather difficult to
calculate so I settled for overshooting. Therefore, I promised my parents that within 6 years I would
earn and give them $20 million USD. This amount is the minimum required to buy a private island
and provide them with one or two maids to take care of them as they age comfortably. The 6 year
promise then turned into 8 years, then 10, and of course now it’s never going to happen considering
this is being read. Once I paid back my parents, I was planning on visiting a list of people who did
me more favors than I did them, as well as people I technically wronged, and pay them back
through a combination of monetary compensation and favors.
As for establishing something that will be remembered, I’ve noticed throughout my life so far that
I’m pretty forgettable as a person. Pretty much everyone I have met outside my immediate family
may vaguely remember my name and the fact that I was that one “smart” kid but that’s pretty much
it. I’ve found they eventually completely forget who I was as a person, by which I mean my
personality as well as any notable memories I made with them. While having a good memory has
done me massive favors in terms of academic success, I have encountered several instances where I
remember something with such detail that others usually find it weird or even creepy. Granted, I
have encountered individuals who are able to remember certain moments we spent time together
but usually not to the same specificity. There is no point in remembering something if no one else
remembers it too, and the moment others memories of us fade is when we truly die.
Embarrassingly enough, there was a time where I had a hard time reconciling this fact and
contained a lot of self pity. This train of thought was what led me to almost go through with
s**c*d* the first two times. After the second time, I finally reconciled this part of myself, stopped
with the self pity, and decided to stop blaming others and accept that most of the previously
perceived misfortune in my life was entirely my own doing. Even if I wanted to be remembered as
a person, who knows if I am the type of person who deserves to be anyway. I may not ever be
remembered as a person but I strived to at least have whatever work I accomplish to live on forever.
I used to phrase this to my family as “accomplishing something noteworthy”. There was a time
when I didn’t really care for how I went about accomplishing something noteworthy.
Then right after the spring semester of my freshman year at Brown, I finally came up with a
concrete method that would establish something to be remembered which aligned with my
academic interests, while simultaneously paying off all the debt I owe. This entailed establishing a
company that I would call NanoFront (short for Nanotechnology Frontier) that would start out
disrupting the semiconductor industry. NanoFront would initially focus on both the design and
fabrication of novel AI hardware utilizing organic or biological materials in a combination of
solution based and traditional fab processes for drastically high throughput. Then the company
would utilize the profits to expand into developing biomedical technologies, catalyst development,
and bioremediation. When expanding into the bioremediation industry, it would be time to establish
a team that keeps track of waste generated by company operations and bioengineer bacterial strains
that either sequester waste or convert waste into products that can be used by production teams.
When the company stabilized, as CEO I would expand already existing research and development
teams and eventually establish a research institute. The NanoFront research institute would be
divided in half into engineering or application based research and hard science or foundational
research, in many fields of study. I would impose a policy that any team who manages to develop a
product would have the right to start their own separate company with NanoFront as a business
partner in a 50/50 or a 51/49 shareholding agreement depending on their product. Ideally this would
result in many subsidiaries forming and drive a greater influx of talented labor to NanoFront. The
moment I had a comfortable income and saved enough money, I would have paid off the debt I
owed and from then on only take enough income for daily necessities. I would dedicate the rest of
my life solely to the NanoFront and its employees. Ideally, I would live in the company building
and establish my own tiny room with a bed, desk, and closet. I would own a motorcycle and my one
indulgence would be trying to spend as little as possible to design and manufacture a motorcycle
from a novel organic-inorganic composite I synthesize myself in what little spare time I would have
(over the course of many years). There would be small pseudo-dorms established for anyone who
wants to stay overnight at the company building for any reason. Actually, I take back what I said
about just one indulgence, I would also buy a Nintendo switch. In the NanoFront headquarters there
would be a communal kitchen where I would store food and make my own meals, communal
showers and clothes washers/dryers, as well as a small gym where I could exercise. US National
labs like Argonne already do this by having apartments next to facilities, though I haven’t looked
into companies that may do the same. I would then ensure that the heads of each research team and
production team are outstanding people with squeaky clean records and admirable personalities i.e.
true role models.
A quick aside, I believe part of the reason why our society has encountered a slew of global
problems upon entering the 21st century is the glaring lack of true role models with enough media
coverage. We live in an age where all the wrong things are emphasized, supported, and perpetuated
by famous figures and world “leaders”, and then put on a pedestal by the media. The general public
sees this and then mindlessly follows accordingly. We live in an age where adults throw around
excuses like “well no one is perfect” to justify and normalize harmful behavior. Obviously we all
have our flaws but that shouldn’t be an excuse to not try at all and I’m sure there are ideal people
out there that could serve as true role models and promote positive behaviors, but they just do not
get the same kind of media coverage. I first took notice of this in 2016 due to various global events
and cultural phenomena that occurred that year, which is why I would sometimes remark to my
parents that 2016 was “the death of consistency” (I would also sometimes remark to my brother that
it was “the death of consistent entertainment in the west” when talking about the entertainment
industry). Of course, my parents thought I was full of cr*p the one time I mentioned the role model
thing to them when I was in the ninth grade, and rightfully so since nothing about this view can be
supported or refuted by statistical evidence. The role model idea also wasn’t exactly something I
could talk about with other people without sounding like a freak. I would later mention this whole
notion of how the world needs true role models with widespread media coverage to my family
during winter break in my college years, and my family would jokingly remark that maybe I could
be that role model. However, given how forgettable I am as a person, as well as my unlikable
personality (or lack thereof), I know for a fact that I would be a terrible role model. Once the leads
of each research team and production team are satisfactory, I would create a special media team that
highlights their everyday lives and work to promote scientific research and innovation as well as
provide something for people to look forward to through role models they can follow. I would
divert media attention away from myself in order to put the NanoFront role models on pedestals and
this would serve to bring about more long term societal change.
Simultaneously, I would create a separate company website (that is completely free to access by
anyone in the general public) where those in the foundational research teams (and some of the
application teams) publish their work on. The format of their work would be a complete departure
from how scientific literature is currently formatted and written. Academia is at a weird stage where
it seems as if we are simultaneously making rapid progress and having a stall in expanding
foundational knowledge due to lack of reproducibility and researchers hyperfocusing on
sub-sub-fields to the point where only researchers within the same sub-field can actually understand
the work performed without spending a significant amount of time analyzing the works in question.
I believe in an age where we have an overabundance of literature, we need ways of scientific
communication that are more effective for both the scientific community and the general public.
Methods/experimental sections on research web pages will be cook book style bullet point lists so
nothing in the process is hidden and key words throughout the papers will be hyperlinked to a
company webpage dedicated to scientific education that defines said terms (researchers themselves
will update this web page). Additionally, during a quick two week review process, videos of
researchers performing experiments and collecting corresponding data will be submitted and given
hyperlinks in the methods sections of papers. I can only think of two papers that make use of video
evidence off the top of my head and methods sections in many papers today tend to either lack
specificity, or are misleading to the point where experiments are impossible to replicate, leading to a
pileup of junk literature. People from the general public would also be able to post questions and
comments directly onto research webpages. There would be a notification system for first authors
and major contributors whenever a question is posted and as per company policy they will be
required to respond by the end of each month at the latest, to promote scientific discussion and
make sure researchers remain academically competent. Of course, this method of communication
would need to be monitored but I believe it shouldn’t be too difficult. There is contact info in
current literature already but I’m pretty sure only researchers in the same sub-sub field bother to
reach out, since contact info is usually hidden next to the acknowledgments section and/or you need
an ORCID account.
The next aspect about NanoFront established would have been very radical. Once the company is
doing well enough, I would establish a policy that allowed any employee at the company, whether
they’re a janitor, admin staff, IT specialist, social media team member, etc., the opportunity to work
as a part time researcher and pursue their own interests or ideas in STEM at any time they like
during their employment, with full access to all facilities. They would have the option of switching
off between their original job and their research for different chunks of the year, as well as also
doing both their original job and research at the same time. At any time during the year, employees
would submit initial proposals in written or typed form that can be of any length, ranging from one
sentence to more than 10 pages. The research team heads will all be required to get together at the
end of every week to review any proposals and make comments, recommendations, or revisions
that will be immediately sent back to those who submitted proposals. Regardless of scientific
literacy, every one who submits a proposal will then have the option of presenting their idea or
interest in any format they want (powerpoint, live demonstration, drawing and writing on a
chalkboard, etc.) to a small audience which would include relevant research team heads, researchers
with similar interests, and myself. There would be an established team that would be dedicated to
helping organize this whole process so it runs in a smooth and timely manner. Presentations will be
recorded and if presenters give their consent, the social media team will post these presentations
online a few weeks after. Anyone in the company would be welcome to attend these presentations
and participate in the Q&A. At the end of their presentations, potential researchers will be
immediately provided right then and there by myself and the researchers possible options they have
for pursuing their idea and interests and they will have two weeks to make their decision. Training
sessions on specific lab equipment or instrumentation will be done regularly and there will always
be a dedicated researcher available for help during working hours. NanoFront was my grand vision.
Once the company succeeded, I planned on training successor candidates I handpick among the
NanoFront employees in secret, such that even the successor candidates wouldn’t be aware they are
being trained to be the next CEO, to prevent any weird company politics from happening. Then
after transitioning power, I would retire quietly and choose to either pursue the motorcycle
indulgence thing or find a nice, quiet place to k*ll myself. It would depend on various factors and
whether or not I would be able to consider myself an Effector who is capable of realizing
motivation 2 i.e. social satisfaction, or a Hollow.
However, after some internal debate, I have determined that it is impossible for me to establish
NanoFront. In order to initially fabricate prototypes for my hidden idea, I would need to join the
world’s most advanced nanotechnology research institutes at places such as ETH Zurich, NUS,
Nanyang Tech, etc. Places such as these have both advanced facilities and competent people with
true interdisciplinary knowledge. The reason why I didn’t mention any US facilities is because they
are for the most part missing the latter. However, the probability of me being authorized to truly
pursue my own research ideas at these places in a timely manner (i.e. within 5-10 years) is
incredibly small so I’m kinda stuck in a Catch 22, and I’ve read Hellers satirical novel so I know
what I’m talking about when I throw around that term. Even in the tiny chance I do manage to
fabricate a device, garner financial support from investors, and manage to break into industry, I
would almost immediately be swallowed up by some m*r*n like Elon Musk or the US government.
I have decided to leave behind a document with some of my research ideas which also contains
hints for a hidden idea that I’ve already mentioned. I may be a legal adult at the age of 20, almost
turning 21, but I still consider myself as a kid since I am still highly dependent on my parents
financial support, so there’s always the possibility that I am just full of cr*p and you could take this
whole spiel with a grain of salt.
I have determined all other methods that utilize my skill set attempting to earn more than $20
million USD on time to repay my debt, or gain a sense of accomplishment, will be fruitless.
Therefore, I can't find it in myself to continue living. I have disposed of all direct work on the
hidden idea and hidden some of my online activity, albeit through some embarrassing methods with
their assistance. A quick aside, I never specified anything about the software or specific AI training
methods for any of the hardware I discuss. This is intentional. I actually came across a former
computer science professor when I was eating breakfast and was accidentally ranting about aspects
of memristors to some of the other folks at the restaurant, and he asked some pretty good questions
that made me bite my tongue to prevent myself from revealing anything. I think I did a pretty good
job at playing dumb and pretending like I knew absolutely nothing about neural networks from the
software side of things, and acting like I was just an enthusiast instead. At one point I considered
taking an extra precaution by giving away my computer to a homeless person and I subtly tested
them to see if they were ideal for the task. But then the homeless person gave me their tragic
backstory and this guilt tripped me into not going through with it. Besides, I have already taken
more than enough precautions and I wouldn’t want to entangle the homeless person with them for
no reason. I initially planned on going through with s**c*d* over spring break but various factors
have delayed this. I wish my roommate told me he would be leaving the dorm sooner. Then I would
have bought a rope when I still had access to a friend with a car back in fall semester. No idea why
he left. Maybe it was because of the one time I accidentally opened a container of expired food
which stunk up the room for a week. Then again, he went through the trouble of leaving behind a
message saying he had personal reasons that had nothing to do with me so that’s probably not it. I
think I have been subconsciously delaying the inevitable due to some sort of innate, biological
desire to live. With the precautions I took, my deadline to k*ll myself may be May 20th but I had 4
months to do so ahead of time. S**c*d*, at the end of the day, is a completely irrational decision so
I am able to recognize that there is probably something wrong with me, especially considering that
my state of mind has now interfered with my ability to go about daily activities (I’ve gotten pretty
out of shape and my sleep schedule is wacked up). For example, about a month ago I meant to buy
a two pack of paper towels, which I use to blow my nose (allergies cause my nose to stuff up in the
mornings and evenings) and wipe away food stains, but instead I bought the pack of 6 toilet paper
rolls right next to it. I didn’t feel like bothering to return it and I found that toilet paper is fine as a
substitute, however, it tends to be quite wasteful and sometimes you leave behind toilet paper fluff
when wiping surfaces. That was a super random aside.
Anyway, you might be wondering at this point why I never reached out for help if I’m aware there
is something wrong. I have various reasons. Mental health services cost a considerable amount of
money, I’m on my parent’s health insurance so they would probably immediately find out, it would
be a massive stain on my career, and I don’t think it would be in these services’ best interest to help
someone who is a lost cause and they should probably stick with people who have typical cases of
s**c*d*. This line of reasoning leaves two things I should probably address. First, I know there are
those who argue that with today’s awareness of mental health issues, especially in the west, that
having mental health problems will not ruin your career. I watched this one white house meeting on
mental health a few weeks ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVkyhLXgzho) where this one
lady argues this point and implies her personal experience is an example of not having your career
ruined due to telling people about your mental health issues. However, when I looked into her
career, I found out she actually currently works for mental health services, which is literally the one
career option where they probably won’t judge your mental condition harshly. Honestly, I thought
the whole meeting was dumb. Especially the way each speaker is applauded upon listing their
accolades like it’s some kind of fun event, which makes the whole thing feel disingenuous, and
considering they brought in random wealthy celebrities and politicians instead of any leading
psychologists, licensed therapists, or sociologists who would probably have a better perspective. I
guess you could appreciate the effort and if the meeting did help anyone struggling, then good for
them I suppose. Second, you might be wondering what I mean by “typical case” of s**c*d*. There
are some common causes, aside from pre-existing mental health problems or mental disorders, that
result in the vast majority of s**c*d*s and it is glaringly apparent that I don’t fit any of them:
Cause 1: Drug or alcohol addiction. Obviously this isn’t really intentional and as someone with a bit
of biochemistry background, I have an extremely hard stance against the consumption of toxic
substances. Just ask my first roommate.
Cause 2: A tragic backstory i.e. some kind of trauma or traumatic event, abuse, bullying, financial
struggle, broken household, etc. I have been raised in a pretty typical American suburban fashion by
two parents who both make 6 figure salaries in a middle/upper-middle class environment with no
apparent struggles and was never really bullied in school. Considering how spoiled I was, this
scenario doesn’t check out.
Cause 3: A family history of depression and mental health issues. You can check with my parents
and they will be able to confirm that this isn’t the case.
Cause 4: Brain injury. I don’t mean to brag but I have never once broken a bone in my body, and
my skull and brain are perfectly intact so this is also ruled out.
Cause 5: Failed romantic endeavors or breakups. This is probably going to sound extremely
offensive and disrespectful to some people but I personally think this reason is pretty stupid, though
it does happen among young people like me apparently. Then again, I could be saying this because
of my overall lack of romantic/sexual endeavors. I’m not exactly someone who could be a reference
point for this topic. I should probably specify in case my parents ever wonder, it’s hard to tell if I
was straight or aro/ace because I definitely felt attraction to feminine fictional characters, but in real
life there was maybe one person of the opposite sex I kind of “had a crush on” during the very end
of freshman year and very beginning of sophomore year of high school. I remember I told some
people about it so I could seem more relatable and use it as a conversation starter. I thought she was
really polite and she was fairly intelligent and a good listener, however, politeness doesn’t equal
kindness, and I think she confused the two to put herself on a pedestal for the sake of college apps,
so my feelings ended super quickly. Anyway, I obviously don’t fit under this case either.
Even if I did get help, I’d be screwed. Since I have pretty much withdrawn from school for the past
6-7 months, I’ll probably have to drop out and would probably be disowned by my parents (I
wouldn’t blame though). And honestly, in the chance I’m not disowned, I’d probably be way too
ashamed to continue mooching off of them. I would then be forced to work a typical 9-5 cubicle
job, living in an apartment with the same daily routine, unable to repay the debt I owe or gain a
sense of accomplishment.
Finally, I should probably quickly specify what I meant by putting up a personality mask in the
beginning. Normally, I always cycle between happy, bored, and annoyed, and do my best to
suppress any sort of sadness, anger, or cynicism. I realized this from a pretty early age and I have
done a pretty consistent job of keeping this mask up, though I have slipped up on a few occasions.
If I don’t do this everyone thinks there is something wrong with me, and it makes me feel like I’m
some kind of freak, especially Normies. The media and plenty of Normies assert that this way of
managing emotions is unhealthy, however, regardless of health, it doesn’t stop them from getting
disturbed when someone shows negative emotions. If I’m ever unsure of how to act in a social
situation, I make sure to do what I call the half-laugh (going “a-heh”) on regular intervals, which is
something I find many Normies do as well. This worked most of the time and eventually became a
habit since I had to do it so much. There were some instances where it made me come across the
wrong way, usually among non-Normie Normas and Effectors or if someone was talking about
delicate subject matter. Who knows, according to society’s standards I’m pretty much a selfish,
super cynical, a-hole so maybe I am a freak. That is the real me. I feel like there is some part that I
am missing that other people seem to have. I don’t know if it’s a strong sense of social awareness,
or charisma, or what, but I think it’s the reason why I’m so forgettable as a person. Hence why I
consider myself defective.
I should discuss what I would like to happen to my body once I k*ll myself. I would prefer my
body be donated to medicine so I could at least do something useful in the end. Unfortunately, I’m
pretty sure this won’t happen due to lack of anatomical preservation and hygiene issues as a result
of the blunt trauma and open wounds my head will have upon the fall. If I thought my body could
be donated I would have put this part of my message at the very beginning. My next preference
would be to have my body thrown in the garbage dump and allowed to decompose in a landfill.
This will not cost anything and is rather fitting for someone like me. Unfortunately, I think this
might be illegal. The three for-sure legal ways to take care of a dead body are donation to medicine,
cremation, and burial. After looking into things, I found out burial tends to cost more and there are
some places that allow for almost free cremations, so I ask that I be cremated with no services
involved in order to minimize cost. My only concern is there might be a transportation fee for the
body which is another reason why it would have been great if I was able to donate to medicine,
since they pay for transportation. Of course, I’m pretty sure this probably doesn’t count as a
holographic will since I am probably not considered as someone with a “stable mind”, so there is
always the chance my parents will feel pressured to hold some kind of funeral service out of social
To my parents, I ask that you take the cheapest possible route to dispose of my body. I’m not
exactly worth that much. You might feel sad for a bit but the quicker you deal with it, the easier it
will be to move on with your lives. If Raghu shapes up, then he will be able to earn plenty of money
for you guys to retire in luxury and he owes me since he wouldn’t have made it this far in his
education without my help, so I’m saying again, get a job you bum and whether you end up
pursuing medicine or something else in the end, take it seriously. Unlike me you have the social
skills to properly make genuine connections and build a network, and you also have some untapped
potential which you should use to start building an actual skill set, which you are thoroughly
lacking right now. I should also finally apologize to my parents again. I never told you this but there
was a short period of time, from the beginning of my sophomore year of high school to midway
during my senior year, when I secretly hated you. Of course, I never really went through the whole
stereotypical teenage rebellious attitude thingamabob that most people go through (though would be
too embarrassed to admit out loud) so you may be confused. It started when I was forced to confess
about how I almost went through with committing s**c*d* on my 14th birthday. I remember dad,
you kept asking me if maybe you should start acting like white parents, and mom, you mentioned
that you didn’t waste 13 to 14 years of your life for me to off myself. Of course, I highly doubt you
remember something so trivial. This convinced me of the idea that you guys didn’t genuinely care
about me and just saw me as a tool to fulfill your desire to have a doctor in the family. But I realized
that I was just using this idea as an excuse to pour hidden blame onto you for the inconveniences I
experience, despite it all being self-inflicted. Regardless of whether you genuinely care about me or
not, I apologize for secretly hating you during that time and you did more than enough to provide
me with the resources a kid would need to succeed in life. Most of what you have done is rational.
You just had the misfortune of having to put up with a defective kid. The reason why I say “most”
is because when Raghu got accepted into Johns Hopkins, you began to start displaying behaviors
that would normally be associated with stereotypical white American parents, and continued to do
so. I considered this rather strange since I thought you despised this style of behavior but you
denied it whenever I brought it up.
At this point you might be wondering how I might be feeling, and to be honest, I’m not entirely
sure. I’m not sure if I can call it sadness. Some may argue it’s loneliness due to me not being able to
fulfill a sense of social satisfaction, however, despite having “friends” and family I have felt alone
for a considerable portion of my life to the point where it’s kinda just another fact of life now,
nothing to really get worked up over. If I had to guess, I think I just feel really ashamed that I lived
the life of a massive hypocrite and wasn’t able to really accomplish anything worth noting. Oddly
enough, I also feel ashamed things are ending this way because of all the small interactions I’ve had
with seemingly random people over the course of the past year. Obviously, I’ve thought about some
of my friends and family, but oddly enough, the people I’m most ashamed to leave behind this way
are the guys at the breakfast restaurant I go to, the college student who works at the Middle Eastern
restaurant I would get dinner at sometimes that made small talk with me when I ordered, the janitor
who enthusiastically greeted me whenever I worked late at night in the engineering building during
fall semester, the omelet station guy at the Ratty cafeteria who prepared some pretty solid
onion-tomato-cheese omelets every time I had breakfast there, the girl doing an independent
concentration who made small talk with me when I was throwing some clothes in the dryer, and the
homeless person I almost gave my computer away to. However, I know deep down that all of these
people will forget about me, just like those of you reading this note. While I mentioned the thing
about the media above, I’m pretty sure that the only people who will actually bother reading this are
my immediate family members and maybe the police. This note isn’t a priority unlike my research
idea document though. Granted, I’m pretty sure maybe only like 5 or 6 people will read the research
doc though but I might as well try to get it out there.
I consider myself an atheist, but there are two things humans will probably never be able to truly
explain due to the limitations of what we can observe. How the universe began (i.e you can always
ask “but what happened before that” over and over again and reach no end) and what happens after
death. I remember once hearing about one study that claimed the notion that the human brain goes
through some sort of unique activity during the process of death but you can’t really explain what
happens after that. I’m not a physiologist so this notion could also be wrong for all I know.
Therefore, I have the unscientific belief that one of four routes happens post-death:
1. Nothing: Pretty much nothing happens. You just sort of poof out of existence. This case is
pretty boring for discussion though which is why not many people bring it up.
2. Dream State: You end up eternally dreaming.
3. Reincarnation. You end up reincarnating as another living thing. It could be as another
human, a blade of grass, a housefly, a leatherback sea turtle, any living creature. There may
be no guarantee you reincarnate into a living thing that is born at the same time you die.
Maybe you reincarnate as a living organism from prehistoric times like some eurypterid, or
a dinosaur, or some random merchant in an ancient civilization. Maybe you reincarnate as a
living organism well into the future. The possibilities are endless with this route.
4. Judgment: Pretty much every major religion enforces the idea that some sort of god or
capital-g God judges whether you should experience eternal rewards in heaven or eternal
punishment in the underworld.
I don’t really have too much to say about the first three routes. If Judgment is the route I take, then
I’ll do my best to beat up whatever god or capital-g God is waiting before I’m inevitably sent to my
eternal punishment. I think that just wraps up everything I wanted to say.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
- From an unremarkable human