Cause 5: Failed romantic endeavors or breakups. This is probably going to sound extremely
offensive and disrespectful to some people but I personally think this reason is pretty stupid, though
it does happen among young people like me apparently. Then again, I could be saying this because
of my overall lack of romantic/sexual endeavors. I’m not exactly someone who could be a reference
point for this topic. I should probably specify in case my parents ever wonder, it’s hard to tell if I
was straight or aro/ace because I definitely felt attraction to feminine fictional characters, but in real
life there was maybe one person of the opposite sex I kind of “had a crush on” during the very end
of freshman year and very beginning of sophomore year of high school. I remember I told some
people about it so I could seem more relatable and use it as a conversation starter. I thought she was
really polite and she was fairly intelligent and a good listener, however, politeness doesn’t equal
kindness, and I think she confused the two to put herself on a pedestal for the sake of college apps,
so my feelings ended super quickly. Anyway, I obviously don’t fit under this case either.
Even if I did get help, I’d be screwed. Since I have pretty much withdrawn from school for the past
6-7 months, I’ll probably have to drop out and would probably be disowned by my parents (I
wouldn’t blame though). And honestly, in the chance I’m not disowned, I’d probably be way too
ashamed to continue mooching off of them. I would then be forced to work a typical 9-5 cubicle
job, living in an apartment with the same daily routine, unable to repay the debt I owe or gain a
sense of accomplishment.
Finally, I should probably quickly specify what I meant by putting up a personality mask in the
beginning. Normally, I always cycle between happy, bored, and annoyed, and do my best to
suppress any sort of sadness, anger, or cynicism. I realized this from a pretty early age and I have
done a pretty consistent job of keeping this mask up, though I have slipped up on a few occasions.
If I don’t do this everyone thinks there is something wrong with me, and it makes me feel like I’m
some kind of freak, especially Normies. The media and plenty of Normies assert that this way of
managing emotions is unhealthy, however, regardless of health, it doesn’t stop them from getting
disturbed when someone shows negative emotions. If I’m ever unsure of how to act in a social
situation, I make sure to do what I call the half-laugh (going “a-heh”) on regular intervals, which is
something I find many Normies do as well. This worked most of the time and eventually became a
habit since I had to do it so much. There were some instances where it made me come across the
wrong way, usually among non-Normie Normas and Effectors or if someone was talking about
delicate subject matter. Who knows, according to society’s standards I’m pretty much a selfish,
super cynical, a-hole so maybe I am a freak. That is the real me. I feel like there is some part that I
am missing that other people seem to have. I don’t know if it’s a strong sense of social awareness,
or charisma, or what, but I think it’s the reason why I’m so forgettable as a person. Hence why I
consider myself defective.
I should discuss what I would like to happen to my body once I k*ll myself. I would prefer my
body be donated to medicine so I could at least do something useful in the end. Unfortunately, I’m
pretty sure this won’t happen due to lack of anatomical preservation and hygiene issues as a result
of the blunt trauma and open wounds my head will have upon the fall. If I thought my body could
be donated I would have put this part of my message at the very beginning. My next preference
would be to have my body thrown in the garbage dump and allowed to decompose in a landfill.
This will not cost anything and is rather fitting for someone like me. Unfortunately, I think this
might be illegal. The three for-sure legal ways to take care of a dead body are donation to medicine,